Enfin l'interview de ma petite Jazzi ! Le traduction arrive dans la semaine mes amours!
[Ps : Je ne suis pas bilingue donc si vous voyez des fautes, dites le moi je les rectifierai ]

You are one of my favorite American bloggers, what do you do in your life?
Aw, thank you! I'm a freelance fashion writer, fashion assistant, and stylist by trade, and then of course there's my blog. I live between LA & NY (currently LA) and spend my time working, looking for work, shopping and soaking up inspiration.
I don't understand all of your blog because I don't speak English, but i think you work for Teen Vogue mag? Tell me more!!!
No, I don't work for Teen Vogue currently but I did intern there for years and continue to contribute on occasion. I love Teen Vogue

You're the only blogger who says "this is my obsession" and 1 or 2 weeks later YOU HAVE the clothes you wanted! How do you do it? Have you got a secret lol?
Well, I wouldn't say I get even 1/3 of all the things on my wishlist! I get the things I have like anyone else - working hard, saving up, credit card debt & holiday gifts haha. I do a lot of DIY projects and thrifting when I want a close approximation of a look, but can't afford the really thing. My not-so-secret is sample sales & vintage stores, and H&M.
What do you think about French designers and American designers?
I think France and America are very different markets, and there are incredible designers in both countries. I'd hate to generalize such a vast, creative industry by picking a favorite or saying on is better! But I'd love to visit France and see all you stylish women in person - I'm taking notes. The French taste level is impeccable and I really appreciate the quality.
Lastly, where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Less hustle, but working just as hard. I'd be happy with some pocket change and a body of work I'm proud of.